Happy November, everyone! Sorry for the delayed commenting on your blogs, my flakiness got the best of me this week, they're awesome as usual. I'd blame my delayed responses on the hurricane, but it was more likely the amount of candy I ate this past weekend. Sugar-hangovers are rough! In case you were wondering, I was Spiderman for the party I went to, but only wore a mask, which spent most of the night on top of my head. I was therefore dubbed 'half-ass' Spiderman. I'm not a big Halloween fan - too many instances of a holiday bringing the worst out of people, people think it's an excuse to act like a-holes.
Thanksgiving, however, is the most glorious holiday ever invented!
School-wise, everything's been wild and endless as usual. Interesting part of today - I've been teaching the famous football movie "Brian's Song" and today we were talking about racism and injustice in the 1960s. I asked the students what groups of people were unjustly looked down upon in our current society, and the students named Muslims, Mexicans, and the mentally handicapped. Nobody brought up LGBT. I made note and moved on. I considered mentioning it myself, but unfortunately they had been quite out of control today, and I didn't want to lose the grip I finally had on them. It was too bad, in retrospect. Perhaps it can be brought up at another date.
Glad your week went well ... This was the first Halloween I did not go to some sort of party or dinner and it was actually nice. Joe and I put on spooky music and handed out candy for the first time. The kids were so damned cute and one kid insisted on giving me one of his candies because I told him he could take two of mine. Melted my heart and wanted to hang out with him all night lol. See you tomorrow ...